Estimation of Earthquake Damage



Support to be prepared for coming huge earthquakes.


We have been cultivating its technologies on complicated and vulnerable geology in Japan.

It is quite essential in decision making of disaster management to know accurate scales of ground motions and risks of liquefaction. SHINYEI-OYO provides quantified results from risk assessment as estimation for preparatory decision making in planning. SHINYEI-OYO provides compensated local seismic intensity by adding geological information to published regional intensity for timely and emergent decision making.

Better estimation of disaster damages enables better preparation against them. We construct a detailed geological model from a large amount of information to assess surface seismic motion and estimate induced damages. We estimate flood and inundation by tsunami and draw hazard maps for them too.

It is becoming an increasing concern of various organizations, including private companies, to assess, avoid and/or mitigate risks of earthquake damages. We propose effective preventive/mitigating measures and recovery plans by estimating economic losses and calculating other negative impacts to business operation, in advance of happening earthquakes. We support your disaster risk managements from economic perspectives.